Tàvì nìnù yó’o ná kunde’ún videó xa’á ña coronavirus o covi xa’ùn kòmí ña Tu’ùn Sàví
Latest on Claims, Auths, Telehealth during COVID-19
COVID-19 Updates: Important Member Information
If you are worried about the Coronavirus, you are not alone. CenCal Health is doing everything possible to help our members understand options for access to screening, testing and treatment for Coronavirus.
There is no cost to members for medically-needed screening, testing, and treatment for Coronavirus.
What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has updated its list of COVID-19 symptoms which include the following:
Covid-19 Signs & Symptoms |
Fever or chills |
Cough |
Muscle or body aches |
Headache |
New loss of taste or smell |
Sore throat |
Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing |
Congestion or runny nose |
New loss of taste or smell |
Fatigue |
Nausea or vomiting |
Diarrhea |
When and where can I get tested for COVID-19?
When to get tested
If you have symptoms
Vaccinated or not, get tested immediately if you’re feeling any COVID-19 symptoms. If an antigen test is negative, take another in 24-48 hours, as early cases can be missed.
If you were exposed
If you were exposed, you should consider getting tested as soon as possible, even if you have no symptoms.
Test again 3-5 days after exposure.
If you go to a high-risk event
Test immediately before and 3-5 days after.
Read more about high-risk exposures within the CDC Exposure Risk guidance.
If you travel
Test as close to the time of departure as possible and 3-5 days after.
Vaccinated or not, anyone entering or reentering California should test 3-5 days after arrival.
Where to get tested
You can get free testing for COVID-19 if you think you have been exposed or if you have symptoms. Here’s how:
- Getting tested and treated for COVID-19 is confidential and available to everyone. The California Department of Public Health and My Turn is a great resource to find a testing location by zip code.
- Santa Barbara County Testing Sites
- San Luis Obispo Testing Site
- Get tested at any provider site— Just make sure to show your CenCal Health Member ID card and your BIC card.
- Get an at-home test kit. You can either get this from your Primary Care Provider (PCP) or from Medi-Cal Rx. Medi-Cal Rx can even deliver these to you through their mail order pharmacy!
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have had symptoms, you can also request antibody testing from your PCP to check for a past COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 Prevention
In addition to basic health and hygiene practices, like handwashing, CDC recommends some prevention actions including building your own personal COVID-19 Plan, available in English and Spanish.
The safe, effective and free COVID-19 vaccine is one of the best ways to prevent getting very sick from COVID-19. Visit CenCal Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine page for detailed information.
COVID-19 Treatment
If you test positive for COVID-19 and are age 12 or older, free treatment may help you recover faster and avoid serious illness. Even if your symptoms are mild right now the treatment works best when started right away.
Medi-Cal Covered oral COVID-19 Medication Treatments are available free of charge through Medi-Cal’s Pharmacy Benefit Medi-Cal Rx.
Pharmacy Benefit |
Medical Benefit |
Medication |
Medi-Cal Rx |
Medi-Cal FFS |
CenCal Health Benefit |
Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) |
Yes |
No |
No |
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) |
Yes |
No |
No |
Veklury (remdesivir) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Visit CenCal Health’s COVID-19 Treatment page for detailed information.
Need Help?
CenCal Health Member Services: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm call 1-877-814-1861. For the hard of hearing, please call the CA Relay at 711 or the CenCal Health TTY at 1-833-556-2560
CenCal Health Nurse Advice Line: Free 24-7 Nurse advice line 1-800-524-5222
CenCal Health Behavioral Health: During the COVID-19 epidemic, CenCal Health members can still get mental health care by phone or by video. Members with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms. You can find more information about Behavioral Health services here or call Member Services at 1-877-814-1861.
Medi-Cal Rx: 1-800-977-2273 TTY/TDD 711, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit www.Medi-CalRx.dhcs.ca.gov
If you feel you have a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go to the emergency room. If you need to go to the emergency room, call ahead so they can prepare for your arrival. If you need to call 911, tell the 911 operator you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms so the ambulance provider can prepare to treat you safely.
If you have a mental health emergency, please call 911 or call your county mental health department’s Crisis line anytime, day or night:
Santa Barbara County: 1-888-868-1649
San Luis Obispo County: 1-800-783-0607
You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 or text HELLO to 741-741
Do not go to the Emergency Department unless you believe you are experiencing a life-threatening condition or the 911 operator, your PCP, or the Crisis line operator tells you to. This is to prevent you from being exposed to COVID-19