Your Opinions are Essential to Improving Our Processes.
We want to hear what you like and what you think we could do better. CenCal Health’s success is a reflection of our partnerships with local health care providers. Together, we share the goal of delivering quality of service to our network and members.
Reach out to us here at CenCal Health:
We’d like you to give us your opinions about working with CenCal Health by completing this survey.
This is your opportunity to let us know what you believe is working well and what needs improvement.
Please look for our new Survey Form coming soon.
We welcome your feedback, good or bad, as well as any suggestions you may have.
If you send us a personal note, you can expect to hear back from us. We value your suggestions.
If you’d like to give general feedback about CenCal Health, please submit via email. We value your suggestions.
“There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing yet.” – Shelia Tobias
What you can Expect
Survey feedback is reviewed to assist CenCal Health in improving our processes in general. It is compiled and reviewed by our leadership team. Surveys can be completed anonymously and be treated with confidentiality if desired.
If you send us a personal note, you can expect to hear back from us. We value your suggestions. We want to hear from you!